
Friday, May 30, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #7, Gothic

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new week of Haiku Shuukan. This week our prompt is Gothic and the first thing which came in mind was a musical-video by a Dutch group, Within Temptation. Here it is:

And to help you with this prompt I have here the meaning of Gothic:

Goth·ic  (gŏth′ĭk)

1. a. Of or relating to the Goths or their language.
b. Germanic; Teutonic.
2. Of or relating to the Middle Ages; medieval.
3. a. Of or relating to an architectural style prevalent in western Europe from the 12th through the 15th century and characterized by pointed arches, rib vaulting, and a developing emphasis on verticality and the impression of height.
b. Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic.
4. Of or relating to painting, sculpture, or other art forms prevalent in northern Europe from the 12th through the 15th century.
5. often gothic Of or relating to a style of fiction that emphasizes the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate.
6. gothic Barbarous; crude.

Goth′i·cal·ly adv.

Credits: Gothic Art

Word History: The combination Gothic romance represents a union of two of the major influences in the development of European culture, the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes that invaded it. The Roman origins of romance must be sought in the etymology of that word, but we can see clearly that Gothic is related to the name Goth used for one of those invading Germanic tribes. The word Gothic, first recorded in 1611 in a reference to the language of the Goths, was extended in sense in several ways, meaning "Germanic," "medieval, not classical," "barbarous," and also an architectural style that was not Greek or Roman. Horace Walpole applied the word Gothic to his novel The Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story (1765) in the sense "medieval, not classical." From this novel filled with scenes of terror and gloom in a medieval setting descended a literary genre still popular today; from its subtitle descended the name for it.

reaching for Heavens
Gothic cathedral of Gaudi -
devilish shadows

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will stay on until next Friday. Have fun!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #6 Festival

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another week has gone and a new Haiku Shuukan episode is ahead of us. This week our prompt is Festival.
Everywhere on our little blue planet we have festivals and I think I don't have to tell you more about this prompt. In your country there will be also festivals and those festivals will be for sure an inspiration to compose haiku, senryu, tanka, kyoka or haibun. Feel free to use any festival for your inspiration.

Here is a wonderful picture of a festival somewhere on our planet to help you to become inspired.

Children's Day, a Japanese Festival

And here is my response on this prompt:

against a blue unclouded sky -
Children's Day

(c) Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will stay open until May 30th at noon. I will post our new episode around that time. Next week our prompt will be:  Gothic.

Have fun! Be inspired and share your haiku with us all here at Haiku Shuukan.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #5 Exile

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

I am happy to prepare another Haiku Shuukan episode for you all. This week it's Exile and as I started preparing this episode the first thing which came in mind was the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt lead by Moses, but it also brought a pop group in mind with the name Exile and that pop group made a wonderful song ... here it is:

I remember that I was completely mad with this song ...

gone in exile
without the one who kissed me all over -
broken sunflower

© Chèvrefeuille

Credits: Broken Sunflower
gone in exile
to become free again
the people of God

© Chèvrefeuille

Well ... now it is up to you my dear Haijin, visitors and travelers to write your own haiku inspired on our prompt for this week. So ... have fun!
This episode will be open for your submissions Friday May 16th at noon and will remain open until May 23rd at noon. Around that time, or maybe a little bit earlier, I will publish our new episode, Festival.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Haiku Shuukan Promptlist

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What a joy ... I have created our first Haiku Shuukan promptlist (including the first four) for the next 26 weeks. I think I have created a nice list of prompts and I hope you all will like the prompts which I have chosen.

You can find the Haiku Shuukan promptlist above in the menu or by clicking HERE.


Chèvrefeuille, your host.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #4, Dreamcatcher

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What a joy to present our fourth prompt of Haiku Shuukan. This week the prompt is Dreamcatcher and it has in some way a connection with our other haiku meme Carpe Diem Haiku Kai were we are busy with a month full of folktales, myths, legends and saga.
The Dreamcatcher has its roots in the Native American culture and is also used in a lot of other homes and families to protect the people for bad dreams. Back into 2012 I have done a "Tackle It Tuesday"-episode with this same prompt "dreamcatcher". So maybe ... for your inspiration you can visit that weblog too.

This was my haiku then:

catching dreams
bended willow branches
feathers and beads
feathers and beads
together catching good dreams
no more nightmares

no more nightmares
native indian dreamcatcher
catches dreams

Credits: Dreamcatcher

Well ... this was our prompt for this week, have fun, be inspired and share your haiku with us all here at Haiku Shuukan.
This episode is open for your submissions until May 16th noon (CET).

Friday, May 2, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #3 Courtesan

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another week has gone by and therefore it is time to publish our new prompt for this week (week 19). Our new prompt isn't an easy one I think, but that's also quite a challenge I think.
Our prompt is Courtesan and it brought a haiku in my mind written by Basho ...

hitotsuya ni yuujo mo netari hagi to tsuki

courtesan and monk,
sleeping  under one roof together,
moon in a field of clover
(translated by Chèvrefeuille)
I don't think I need to explain the word courtesan, but here is the definition as is given in Merriam Webster's dictionary: "a woman who has sex with rich or important men in exchange for money".  
Courtesan and her maid

courtesan smiles
as she walks over the nude beach
Morning Glories awake
© Chèvrefeuille
Well ... it's your turn to compose a haiku with this prompt courtesan ... have fun, be inspired and share your haiku with us all.
This episode of Haiku Shuukan is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until Friday May 9th 11.59 AM (CET).