
Friday, July 25, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #15, Opium

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another week has gone by and it's already time for our next episode of Haiku Shuukan. This week our prompt is opium and it needs no other introduction I guess.

I just will give you a wonderful photo of Red Poppies, you know that opium comes from these wonderful flowers. So be inspired ...

Credits: Red Poppies, source for opium
This episode is now open for your submissions and will remain open until next Friday August 1st at noon (CET). Have fun!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #14, Nocturnal

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another week has gone. here in The Netherlands it feels like we are in the tropics, because it's tropical warm/hot around 30 derees Celsius and we are enjoying it, notwithstanding the heat that's very moist and it certainly will bring thunderstorms and rain later today. I am looking forwars to the upcoming evening and night when the heat will be gone.

This week's prompt is Nocturnal or nighttime ... this needs no further explanation I think so let's do some hakui-ing.

after this hot day
finally the cool of the night -
dreaming of love

© Chèvrefeuille

Credits: Nocturnal
Another one:

the day has gone
the night belongs to them -
red light district

© Chèvrefeuille

Credits: Red Light District
Two different haiku inspired on Nocturnal ... and now it's up to you ... be inspired and share. This episode is open for your submissions today at noon (CET) and will remain open until next Friday. Have fun!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Haiku Shuukan #13 Meander

Dear haijin, visitors and travelers,

This week's prompt is Meander and it's not an easy one I think, but ... well take up the challenge and write, compose a haiku inspired on this week's prompt. You don't have to use the actual word, but there must be a reference toward it.

I found a wonderful example of a haiku inspired on ''meander''. It's written by a friend of me, Shashi S of Haiku today. Here it is:

meandering in dark
forest of senses, souls walk
with karmic baggage

© Shashi S

And now it is up to you, my dear friends, Haijin, visitors and travelers to write a haiku inspired on ''meander''.

Credits: meander
This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until next Friday at noon (CET).

Friday, July 4, 2014

Carpe Diem haiku Shuukan #12 ''Laughter''

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another week has gone by and it's time for a new episode of Haiku Shuukan our weekly haiku-meme. Since I started my first Carpe Diem haiku-blog Carpe Diem has become a place to share haiku with the world. As you maybe know ... in 2012 I started with a daily haiku-meme at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and soon I created a few more weblogs for haiku. Haiku is my passion and I think it's really an art to compose haiku.

Next to Haiku Shuukan and Carpe Diem Haiku Kai I have created a weblog titled ''Carpe Diem Haiku Kai Special'' were I challenge my visitors to write/compose haiku inspired by e.g. music or a picture. Or maybe you are inspired to write haiku based on a quote by a wellknown human e.g. Gandhi or Albert Einstein. That kind of challenges you can find at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai Special.

Credits: Laughter

This week's prompt for Haiku Shuukan is ''laughter'' and I think it will inspire you to write great haiku, senryu, tanka or kyoka. So have fun ...

playing with leaves
children's laughter resonates through the streets -
autumn is there

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode of Haiku Shuukan is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until next Friday at noon. Have fun, be inspired and share your laughter with us ...